Many ways to use a pencil - Jennifer Maestre
18 February 2011
I have a young son. I do his laundry and I often wonder how he has managed to run around all day carrying all the things he puts in his pockets without sustaining intense bruising to his upper leg areas. His pockets are always full of things, usually that he has dug out of mud. "Ancient" pottery is a favourite. What looks like sticks and stones to me are actually grenades and rocket boosters to him.
This week I found this little pencil stub that he made amongst the other things. It is very simple but a very pleasing object to me for some reason. I put it on the window sill to admire.
It got me thinking about the work of Jennifer Maestre, how she uses pencils in her work. I have only seen her work in photograph and never in person. But it looks very tactile, I think you'd want to put your hand on the pieces to see how they felt.