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A Life in Snowden Flood Products

31 August 2011


Vikki, a new customer of mine emailed me shortly after making an order from my website.

 "It brought a smile to my face when I first went onto your website some months ago.  As I looked through your creations, I realised so many of them were reflections of my life with my adored husband.  Almost the story of our time together".  

Curious, I emailed back asking her to explain... which she kindly did, and I thought it was very lovely so I'm posting it here with her kind permission.  I love Vikki's idea to celebrate her husband's 40th by telling a narrative through my products, it's a very touching idea to me because much of the inspiration for my work comes from a fascination about how we map our experiences onto souvenirs - so that even seemingly ordinary things like tea towels can become very special and have meaning.  So how would you mark your life through products?  While you are mulling it over,  here is Vikki's explanation of how she and her family celebrated her husband's life through some of my pieces (and these are her pictures also)  

We met and our early days saw much time spent on MOTORWAYS - me living in South London & him in Leamington Spa. We worked in Reading... much time on the M4 & M40.
As we commuted along the Embankment - and walked by the Thames - we nominated ALBERT BRIDGE as our bridge.
One of the first holidays we took, was to follow his passion for SKIING.  (Rather a traumatic experience for me - but I try!)
Another favourite holiday, one that he's taken annually since he was 6 months old, was to his grandfather's CARAVAN in Wales.  
TREE GLASSES - we've just moved house.  We are hugely fortunate to live in a beautiful area marked with majestic old trees. As we look out of all our windows, our view is framed by enormous trees.  
And finally, turning 40, it's an opportunity to reflect on the wonderful qualities he has as husband, friend, father, son:  Bring on the FUNFAIR MUGS - We've talked often about the values and qualities we hold and that are important to our family life.  Many are reflected in the words on the mugs. And we love funfairs, fancy dress etc.... And he's GREAT FUN to be around - always positive, energetic about life and special.   

We can use all the items every day and it will bring a smile and a memory back.


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