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Node Rugs

30 January 2013


Off to a slow start with the blog this year - sorry.  Too cold and too much Xmas pud last month has made me sluggish.

Anyway, this project caught my eye recently and I'm looking forward to going over down to the design museum to look a the rugs in person (March 5th).

   Designer and illustrator Chris Haughton and Akshay Sthapit set up Fair Trade rug business Node after Chris's rug designs were pounced upon by members of the design blogosphere (not surprisingly).  Designers started to email to ask if they could design their own rugs and so their company was born.  By connecting designers with traditional Nepalese carpet makers they can ensure fair trade and also help support of school and an orphanage which is very impressive.  I've designed and made some rugs over the years for clients but always in India which doesn't have the best reputation, so I'm very keen to find out more about Node's work in the future.

Pictured are a rug by Sanna Annukka (we sell her beautiful cards in my studio) and two by Chris Haughton himself - very lovely.



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